Change Management

Sales Concepts

Interim Management

An outside view makes retracted situations flow again


Any type of restructuring your company, such as merging or developing departments, reorganization sales teams, site closures or location selection, requires conceptual planning and makes external support senseful.

Each market follows mechanisms and needs its individual sales configuration


Whether wholesale, consignment, franchise, retail, shop in shop or multichannel - we will not pour your business into a standard approach. Together, we will resolve your ideas conceptually and make it a viable concept. Your location, business concept and product range are just as important as the target group and your personal background.

Member and part of your team - temporary


KPI-based management methods and systems, structural remodeling or rising productivity and earnings -

For a defined period, up to target achievement we are part of your team.

Turnover Management


Expansion not a screw, but a complex and exciting process


Restructuring can be done by cost optimization but might also result in reduction of available resources or end up in the closure of sites.

To achieve sustainably revenue and profit, we have to set the course for tomorrow and implement optimized processes.

The Queen of sales concepts


Franchise is different and requires special processes in organization and sales. We advise and support you in all of your franchise concepts´ life phases. From testing the pilot, setting the franchise- and operations-manual, to selecting franchise partners and sites matching your concept.

... with your customized concept


Taking all factors into consideration like potential analysis of micro- or macro-markets and time factor makes a big deal of strategic sense. Our international network (Europe, Middle East, North and South Africa, South America, India and China) helps to select the partner matching your concept.